
Svelte (3) #

Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app.

Instead of using techniques like virtual DOM diffing, Svelte writes code that surgically updates the DOM when the state of your app changes.

Svelte 3 (released in late 2019) brings many innovative new features to the web landscape. See their introductory blog post for more.

Svelte Compiler #

Unlike other frameworks which include the framework core as a runtime dependency, Svelte does something different. Svelte is more like a "compiler" for .svelte files into JavaScript for the browser. This means the framework disappears at build time, and only the portions used by your app are sent to the browser.

This is also how Svelte instraments reactivity, by inserting it into your code at compile time.

TypeScript Support #

Svelte 3 added TypeScript support in July 2020 (See their blog post). This means you can write TypeScript code in .svelte <script> tags using the lang=ts attribute. Also you can pass .ts files to the Svelte compiler for output generation.

Unit Testing #

Most Svelte unit testing is performed using the @testing-library/svelte testing library. (Docs). This is a set of compatibility wrappers around the Dom Testing Library for easy use with different libraries, including Svelte.

Example App #

My sample application written in Svelte can be found at Svelte Sample.

# Sources
  • Fireship - This video by Fireship does a great job introducing the framework and highlighting its killer features compared to other frameworks.
  • - The main Svelte documentation website.